Size guide
We offer storage rooms from 1m² to 500m². Here are just a few examples to better estimate the space requirements:
This is how it works – it's easy:
Difficult word, but it's actually quite easy:
What or how much for how long do you want to put into storage? It could be a number of packing cases,
or the living area of an apartment that must be cleared, or even some gardening tools.
Rule of thumb for determining needed space: # of Rooms x 2 = required m²
Example: for a 3 bedroom apartment with no kitchen 6-8m² are required (without kitchen).
Assuming that the beds and sofas can be stored upright and the cabinets are disassembled.
The rule of thumb is only an estimated value.
Your demands can be discussed and evaluated most reasonably when you are on-site. So visit us now and we will find the right solution for you. On-site, you will see all the possibilities directly. And if you like, we will show you the storage units available for you now.
Prices will be calculated based on size (squaremeters or quantity), kind of storage (storage box, high rack, parking) and the storage period. For that it is important to know, how much should be stored and where. The size of the storage space is often misjudged: usually 25 – 30% less space is required then what was expected.
Here is our promise: Choose your storage solution, check whether it fits, and then we will calculate the specific price for you! Of course we will be happy to assist you to find the best solution for you. Just visit us and find out about our storage solutions. In addition, we offer attractive discounts, e.g. for longer rental periods or pre-payment.
Only after we have assessed how much floor space you really need, we conclude an agreement. You can determine the storage period yourself. However, there is a minimum storage period of 4 weeks. Don't worry about flexibility: You can renew the agreement or change the size of your storeroom, if you should need more space in the future. For signing the agreement please bring your ID-Card or passport with you
Storage space S
1m² / 3m³
Approx. 20 moving cartons
Storage space M
3m² / 9m³
Approx. 60 Moving cartons
Storage space L
6m² / 18m³
120 Moving cartons
Storage space XL
9m² / 27m³
180 moving cartons
General tips for space requirements:
In most cases it is assumed that you need more storage space! As a rule, about 25% too much storage
space is taken into account.
Tip 1
Rule of thumb for an area determination: number of rooms x 2 = required m²
Example: for a 3-room apartment without a kitchen gives a demand of 6m² (without kitchen).
It was based on the fact that the beds and sofas can be stored upright and the cabinets are disassembled.
Tip 2
10% of the living space is the storage area.
Example: 100m² of living space correspond to about 10m² of storage space
Tip 3
Fully loaded Light Commercial Vehicle (Sprinter, Transit, etc.) correspond approximately 6sqm
Fully laden 7.5 t truck correspond approximately 10m²