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Professional movers / Clearing out

You don’t want to carry your belongings yourself to Mein Mietlager self storage?

Let our professional movers team undertake the job!

Some of our clients prefer to take their own car or to rent from a car rental a van and transport their belongings themselves to our self storage Mein Mietlager. If you have good friends, who give you a helping hand and there are not too many things to carry this is certainly the cheapest way of transport.

If you prefer to let others do the job we would like to offer our professional movers team! With the appropriate truck we can easily carry all your belongings to Mein Mietlager. And of course at a fair price

We also offer Clearing out service – things you don’t need anymore we will take care of and dispose them properly.

Please contact us so we can submit an offer, that suits your needs.

We are looking forward to your inquiry:
Mein Mietlager movers team

Telefon: 07031-7656890
Fax: 07031-7656891